Brandy Alexander Recipe

brandy alexander

Sweetened with the flavor of chocolate, a traditional Brandy Alexander makes a delicious after dinner drink. Make the shake version, and adults can practically substitute it for their dessert.

The Basic Brandy Alexander

Although the Alexander cocktail was originally made with gin, the Brandy Alexander has far eclipsed the original in popularity. If you've never tried this drink before, you're in for a real treat.


  • 1 ounce brandy
  • 1 ounce dark créme de cacao (may substitute with favorite dark chocolate liqueur)
  • 1 ounce heavy cream (may substitute with half and half)
  • A sprinkle of nutmeg for garnish


  1. Pour the liquid ingredients into a shaker with ice and give them a quick shake.
  2. Strain the drink into a cocktail glass.
  3. Garnish the cocktail with a little grated nutmeg. Fresh grated is always best, but you can sprinkle a little ground nutmeg on top if that's all you have.

The Brandy Alexander Shake

When the Brandy Alexander is made with ice cream instead of heavy cream or half and half, it's referred to as a shake. If you think the traditional version is smooth, you really have to try this version.


brandy alexander shake
  • 1 cup French vanilla ice cream
  • 2 ounces brandy
  • 2 ounces dark créme de cacao
  • Nutmeg for garnish


  1. Place the cup of ice cream in a blender.
  2. Pour in the brandy and créme de cacao.
  3. Blend on low speed just until smooth.
  4. Pour into a cocktail glass and garnish with a little nutmeg.

A Drink to Be Savored

The creamy texture of these Brandy Alexander cocktails can be a little disarming, and you may be tempted to over imbibe. Take time to savor the flavor of your drink so you're not tempted to consume a few too many too quickly, or your cocktails may sneak up on you all at once.

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Brandy Alexander Recipe